Explore resources available to you on your adventures as an ECK parent!
Find tips, tools, and inspiration as you help your children discover the gift of the ECK teachings.

Celebrations of Life

“These four ECK ceremonies . . . are at the heart of the activities of mankind. As people go through life, they naturally enter these stages, and there is some kind of rite or celebration to help them. Each stage is a rite of passage, a way of coming into being.”
—Sri Harold Klemp, Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK

A celebration of new life and the beginning of a new phase in Soul’s journey home to God.
It also celebrates your commitment as a parent to bring a spiritual awareness into the home and life of your child. The ceremony is performed by an ECK cleric and is for infants and very young children, though it can be held for children up to age twelve. You can contact your RESA or an ECK cleric to arrange an ECK Consecration Ceremony for your child.

This study guide is designed to help youth explore the basic teachings of ECK.
Each chapter covers an aspect of the ECK teachings for your child’s study and contemplation. It can be studied personally or in a class with other ECK youth. You can contact your RESA to find out if a class is available in your area.
A few wonderful stories ECK youth have shared about their Rite of Passage experiences can also be found here.

This celebrates a youth’s personal commitment to the ECK teachings and youth’s growing awareness of their own true spiritual nature
The ceremony is performed by a member of the ECK clergy, and it is for youth on the threshold of becoming adults, at about age thirteen, though it may be taken up to age twenty-one.

ECK Parable & Activity Kit for Youth

Looking for new ways to help your children discover the love and wonder of the ECK teachings?
Imagine—more than 300 fun, enriching activities you can use at home. Each illustrated parable, puzzle, and spiritual exercise leads children ages 3 to 13 to their own personal discoveries of the ECK teachings.

- Create activity packets to explore spiritual topics.
- Make a coloring book for rainy days.
- Print mazes, puzzles, and fun activities for family road trips.
- Use pages to complement your child’s at-home youth-discourse study.

What Is It?
Letter of Light is a quarterly publication created by, for, and about youth in Eckankar as they explore the adventure of being on this amazing path.
A special feature is the column by Sri Harold Klemp answering questions he receives from young people. His answers offer unique and timely spiritual insights for ECKists of all ages.
This creative publication is automatically sent to all families with youth in ECK (in either English or French).
Things to Do
with Your Child
- Make time to review the Letter of Light.
- Read the articles with your children.
- Explore the spiritual exercise.
- Discuss Sri Harold's answers.
- Explore the fun features in each issue.
- Share your spiritual experiences with each other.

Things to Do
with Your Child
- Make time to review the Letter of Light.
- Read the articles with your children.
- Explore the spiritual exercise.
- Discuss Sri Harold's answers.
- Explore the fun features in each issue.
- Share your spiritual experiences with each other.

Invite Your Child!
Children up to age 17
are invited to submit
- Stories
- Artwork
- Poems
- Puzzles
- Spiritual insights
- Questions for Sri Harold

The Wonder Within You

Adventures with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK for youth!
Straight from the Master’s heart to yours!
This dynamic book is an invitation to ECK youth around the world to take an inner leap and live their highest life!
Designed especially for teens, these fully illustrated Spiritual Exercises of ECK meet every spiritual need. Journal pages and go-to quotes invite active reflection.
ECK youth now have their own golden keys to navigate and thrive in today’s changing world.

EXPLORE page 8 of the Mystic World!
Read stories by ECK parents sharing insights, joys, and experiences of raising their children with the teachings of ECK.
Q & As
Find parents’ questions and answers from Sri Harold.
Discover tools, tips, and spiritual exercises to help you on your adventures in ECK parenting.