Parenting Q&As

A place for you to bring your toughest parenting questions for compassionate, straight-to-the-point, and even surprising answers from Sri Harold Klemp, the spiritual Leader of ECKANKAR!

Those are just a few questions parents have asked Sri Harold.
The answers reflect the love of the Master.
His wisdom can help you learn to become happier, overcome fear, improve family relationships, learn self-discipline, become more creative, solve spiritual problems, and most important, open your heart to God’s love.

featured questions & answers

Youth Ask a Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God

An invaluable resource for you as an ECK parent to help answer the questions your child brings to you!
What Is It?
A wonderful compilation of twenty years of questions from youth around the world, answered by Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master.
Youth ask questions that range far and wide—from school to dating, classmate teasing to the loss of a loved one, picking a career to understanding karma. Above all they wonder about things of God, of Spirit, of love.

How to Help Your Child
Get the Most Out of the Book
- Read a question and answer every day.
- Complete the workbook activities found at the end of each chapter.
- Start a youth book discussion.
- Start a book discussion with other ECK parents.