Try This Spiritual Exercise!
An Explanation of Spiritual Exercises
Let’s try one of the ways to make a visit back home to the pure positive God Worlds. It is known as a spiritual exercise, or Soul Travel. Doing a physical exercise, we use our physical body; doing a spiritual exercise, we use our spiritual self, or Soul body.
The first thing we do is to become relaxed and comfortable in a chair or in our bed just before sleep. We take a few gentle breaths and begin to softly sing out loud or to ourselves. This time let’s sing the word HU. (It rhymes with the word you.) As we sing HU, let the U continue to sing for a while. Then sing HU a few more times. Remember, this is an ancient name of SUGMAD. Whenever you wish to say, “I am Soul; I love you, SUGMAD!” sing HU.
As you send your love back home to SUGMAD, IT sends much love to you. It feels like a warm blanket of Light and a gentle Sound all around you.
—Adapted from The ECK Tweenie 2 Discourses