Try This Spiritual Exercise!
By Sri Harold Klemp
If you wish to approach God, you must first be filled with love.
One way to fill yourself with love is by recalling the image of something from the past that brought great happiness to you.
Imagine something or someone you love. Use this as a conductor of love.
As Soul, place yourself above the Time Track. Notice all of the truly happy moments from your life. Visualize the happiness as waves rolling upon a beach. Then collect some of it, and going forward on the Time Track, sprinkle the living waters of this happiness throughout your present and future.
Leave it there to bring forth the gifts of Divine Spirit later. Now slowly return to the physical with the knowledge that happiness and love await you both in the present and in the years to come.
If we want to keep the blessings of life coming to us, we must learn to be grateful for what we have and for whatever is given. This gratitude begins to create a series of events for our spiritual benefit.
—Adapted from The Spiritual Exercises of ECK