MAHANTA, as a single parent, alienated from my daughter, I wish to balance the pain and joy of parenting without being present for now.
I attended a special forum for ECK parents at the ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Seminar to face this head-on and be the best influence I can be upon my daughter and separated partner. Please guide me in this process with any tips or insights.
–Parenting from Afar
There is an old song that goes, “Be careful of stones that you throw.” That means don’t unfairly criticize your former spouse about how to raise your daughter.
Provide your share of the child’s support when it’s due, without the need for reminders. See your daughter as often as you can, to keep the bond of love between you alive. And call upon the MAHANTA for tips and insights as they are required.
Remember, too, that I am as near as your breath and heartbeat.