Give Time with the ECK Teachings

My son did not know of Eckankar until he was six years old. Before then, he had many challenges and traumas in his home life. It opened him, a bit more than other children, to the influence of the Kal.
Though he loves you and the ECK teachings, oftentimes he gets annoyed or resistant when we try to sing HU as a family. He is slowly letting the ECK in more and more.
Do you have any guidance for parents of children who find Eckankar a bit later in their journey?
Thank you! With all my love,
—Nicole D., USA
Dear Nicole,
Let him come to an understanding of HU in his own time. It is disruptive for family unity, but he is testing the waters to decide whether ECK and HU are right for him. Give him room. He needs more love and more time.