By Patience Don-Willies

Recently my fifteen-year-old son shared with me that he doesn’t remember any of his dreams. He asked me for insight into how he can remember them. I shared a technique of having a paper and pencil next to his bed. That way he can write down anything he remembers when he wakes up in the middle of the night, without turning on the lights to interrupt his sleep.
I also suggested he make sure he is not on his phone just before he goes to sleep, as the blue light from the phone can affect sleep.
Then, finally, I invited him to do a spiritual exercise and ask the MAHANTA to help him remember his dreams.
My son thinks it is pretty cool that he can now remember a few things from a dream when he gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But he forgets once he falls back to sleep. So he can see the strategy is beginning to work and that he is actually dreaming, even if he can’t remember all the details in the morning.
This is something he is still working on, and we are both excited to see where it leads him in his dream experiences!
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